Author Archive

How to Install the Ladbrokes Poker Client on Linux using Wine

Wednesday, July 26th, 2006

It has been my aim to get rid of Microsoft Windows entirely from my computer. The only thing that stopped me was the Ladbrokes Poker client which is only supported on Windows. However, I now have it working under wine. It is a little bit fiddly but here’s how I did it.

How to Crack a WEP Encrypted Wireless Network

Wednesday, July 12th, 2006

My wireless lan has been encrypted using WEP for a few years. After hearing that WEP was insecure I decided to try and crack it. It was suprisingly easy and this is how I did it. Install Kismet and Aircrack Use Kismet to find available wireless networks Use airodump to collect initialization vectors Use aircrack […]

Solaris 10 and Windows XP Virtual Machines running on Linux using Qemu

Sunday, May 7th, 2006

Here is a screenshot. 7153

Using PECL-APC with Gallery

Sunday, April 2nd, 2006

I recently decided to use a php cache to speed up the response of my websites. I decided to use PECL-APC (Alternative PHP Cache) and I did the following Installing PECL-APC Check Installation Fix Problems with PECL-APC and Gallery 1. Installing PECL-APC I’m using PHP5 and Gentoo. The dev-php5/pecl-apc package is masked by the ~x86 […]

Using the Geo-IP plugin with Awstats in Gentoo Linux

Sunday, January 15th, 2006

Here’s a summary of what we’re going to do… emerge Geo-IP Check that it works using geoiplookup Edit the awstats config file 1. Emerge Geo-IP It’s as easy as … emerge Geo-IP This will also emerge the geoip package if it is not already installed. 2. Check that it works using geoiplookup We can check […]